(up to 4 pages in 2 columns)

TENCON is a premier international technical conference of IEEE Region 10, which comprises 60 Sections, 6 Councils and 42 Subsections in the Asia Pacific regions.

The theme for IEEE TENCON 2024 is Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Technologies for a Sustainable Future and it will be held in Singapore over December 1 – 4, 2024.

This conference is expected to bring together researchers, educators, students, practitioners, technocrats and policymakers from across academia, government, industry and non-governmental organizations to discuss, share and promote current works and recent accomplishments across all aspects of electrical, electronics and computer engineering, and information technology. Distinguished speakers will be invited to deliver keynote speeches and invited talks on trends and significant advances in the emerging technologies.

Paper Deadlines


Call for Recent Result Submission Deadline

Friday, 26 Jul 2024
Wednesday, 31 Jul 2024

Notification of Acceptance of Paper

Wednesday, 21 Aug 2024
Sunday, 1 Sept 2024 
Monday, 9 Sept 2024

Final Manuscripts Submission

Tuesday, 10 Sept 2024
Monday, 16 Sept 2024 
Monday, 30 Sept 2024

Friday, 11 Oct 2024


More Information

Technical Topics

The online electronic paper submission will open from March 1, 2024. The scope of conference papers and exhibits include but not limited to the following areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Data Analytics and Big Data
  • Robotics, Control, Instrumentation and Automation
  • Signal Processing and Image Recognition
  • Computational Intelligence
  • Network and Cyber-Security
  • Communications and Networks
  • RF/Millimeter-wave Circuits and Systems
  • Antennas, Propagation and Computational EM
  • Analog and Mixed Signal ICs
  • Optical Communications and Sensors
  • Photonic Technologies
  • Internet of Things/MEMs Sensors
  • Power Electronics
  • Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
  • Electrical Motors and Drives
  • Renewable Energy Sources and Technology
  • Electronic Devices & Materials Processing
  • Nano-electronics
  • 3D Printing
  • Quantum Technologies
  • Education in Engineering and Technology
  • Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare Technologies

IEEE TENCON 2024 awards consist of Best Conference Paper and Best Student Paper Awards. The best papers will be selected from the contributed papers for awards. Students are encouraged to submit the papers provided that the student is the principal author and also the presenter. Please indicate in your electronic submission if you want to be considered for the Student Paper Prize.

Paper Submission Guidelines

Authors are requested to submit a paper up to 4 pages in two column, including title, author’s affiliation, paper, figures, and references.

During the initial paper submission, authors should clearly summarize the novelty of their contribution in a paragraph. The submission must be submitted to . No hard copy submission will be accepted.

Paper Presentation
  1. Types of Presentations
    • Oral Presentation
    • Poster Presentation
      There will be a dedicated area for posters and interactions with poster presenters. Only selected posters will be chosen for presentation at the session.
  2. Notification of Acceptance
    • The Presenting Author of each paper accepted will be notified by email.
    • Accepted papers will be notified by: Monday, 8 September 2024.
  3. Publication
    • Upon acceptance of your paper, the presenting author must register for the IEEE TENCON 2024 to present at the Oral Presentation or the Poster Presentation.
    • The paper will be published only if the presenting author or co-author is registered and full payment is received by Friday, 11 October 2024.
    • Please use this submission template
    • No changes to accepted papers will be allowed.
Withdrawal of Paper

Authors have the right to withdraw their papers before publication and must inform the organizer in writing by Thursday, 29 August 2024. It’s also the author duty to notify their co-authors about the withdrawal. All withdrawal can only be done with permission from all authors.


For more information, please contact:
IEEE TENCON 2024 Secretariat: +65 6379 5260

Terms & Conditions
  • English is the official language throughout the meeting.
  • Papers submitted & presented must be in English only.
  • Only papers received via the EDAS submission portal will be considered.
  • Please use the guide on paper categories to select the most appropriate category.
  • Authors must state their preferred presentation mode (Oral or poster), which is usually honoured but is not guaranteed to be satisfied.
  • After submission of the paper and before the closing date, you may continue to edit the paper. Examples of changes: paper title and/or contents, add/remove/re-order authors, withdraw a paper, etc.
  • All co-authors’ names must be included to prevent omission from all publications and the author index.
  • All papers are subject to a peer review process. Reviewers are the appointed TPC committee of experts in fields that specifically match the conference topics.
  • The reviewers reserve the right to change your paper submission categories.
  • Papers will be judged solely based on the data submitted in the paper.
  • Final Manuscripts Submission to be submitted by Tuesday, 10 September 2024.
  • By submitting the paper, you have granted the IEEE TENCON 2024 organisers permission to disseminate it electronically.